Sunday, May 29, 2011

You Say Goodbye I Say Hello

I had a mean case of the hiccups which kept me awake the night before my depart. It felt like I won the lotto when the seat beside me on the long flight to Geneva was left empty. Emporer Nero had lottery prizes of houses or slaves; Heliogabalus introduced an element of absurdity--one ticket awarded a golden vase and another six flies. I was pretty certain I hit the jackpot when I could stretch my legs.  SUCH a long trip, mais quelle récompense qui m'attends à la fin!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Farewell Lovely Country!

Next stop: Annecy, France, Rhône-Alpes. Elevation: 448 m/1,470 ft

As it was put by two very cute very noisy little girls on the plane descent: "We're getting lower!!!!"  

I am a runaway. That's me with the blue jeans and bindle. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Salut et très bonnes vacances de l’été à vous!

In a week from today, plus 8-hours time travel, I’ll be in France. The thought gives me a combination of wanting to smile from one wall to the other and a feeling of like an electrically charged amoebae being in my stomach. I haven’t started packing yet, but I made this blog and got it up and running just for the occasion! It’s not here just for show and tell only but I also want all of you in my native sweet land of liberty to keep me honest to my summer goals: 


Wuhell so if ah cain’t do these thangs, than I’ll eat mah hat! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

More kiting from the Boulder Kitefliers Society

BKS goes West to Grand Junction and Paonia, CO

Les Fleurs du Mal, Dual-Language Edition, Fruita Thrift: 27 cents